Monday, August 4, 2008

Timing is everything

In the home business model idea timing is crucial to success. Without proper timing a company or person can fold faster then a lazy boy chair can. If your market is too over crowded, then you loose your chance at success. It takes a stable person to build a proper business and mind set.
Get out of your head the negative ideas, they will only haunt and hurt you.

Timing I say?

Yes timing. As mentioned if you decide to pick up A-track player maintenance as your home job, then you will be more broke then before you started. However if you offer something that is in high demand, then your chances are ten-folds better.

Especially if your market doesn't have a market.

What I mean by that is that, if you find something that very few people do, like Aeronautical equipment specialist, then you would have a greater chance to be a specialist here and the ability to profit more.

Not too many people really understand timing, most think they just need to start whatever they can without thinking about the timing and chance or return.

I have a short video I would like to share with you based on timing and a product.*&filter=0&sort=date%3AD%3AS%3Ad1&entsp=0&q=dna

This idea here, is perfect for timing and demand right now. Even the government thinks so.

Why be generic, when you can be specific and add something to your life and others lives which no one else can? That is true timing in this industry with the economy and people needing proper care.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Internet is here now

This is no longer the wave of the future. Its here and its now. Some people have made alot of money in it already, some still will. For the next several years (20+) I see the Internet as being a strong interest for many. I don't think it will die after those 20 either, just get modified somehow at that point.

The age of employment ladders, is non-existent. The only way to move up the ranks is to start your own business. I think that seems pretty apparent in society today. Your boss makes most of the money and you slave for your share of it. The working world hasn't see this yet, some of us realise this now. We will probably be the ones to move forward in life in some way.

As China builds robots, our labor intensive jobs are on the decline. We have seen this in the automotive industry already. 10,000+ jobs in one month in the auto industry get replaced by a robot. Saves time and cost, makes sense as a business owner. People demand money for their time and effort, its the way of life.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Computer Recycling

So I was to work on a project for school about computer recycling. Given my background as a computer user, I figured this would be easy. Well for the most part it was, as for the writing, then came the hardcore research.

Everywhere I turned there were more and more avenues to look at into more information. I had not realized how larger this could be. Some many companies actually have a job in the market for computer recycling too. Major manufacturers, as we know, already except outdated materials and components from users. Basically because they can melt them down to form something new based on the old part left over.

Yet some components, by themselves, are worth so much more. Yet I wonder, if there is anything we can harvest from this, hmm...all kinds of special alloys used. Some special alloys are even known to be cancer causing and harmful to us in mass quantities. Although we use this alloys everyday and never even think about this result.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Are Computers a growing problem?

So I suppose to do this project for school about recycling computers. Basically a lot of new "green" technology going around so I thought this topic seemed appropriate. I imagined from experience, that this project would be easy.

Its relatively an idea I have not really thought about. Computer taking up space in a county landfill...hmm interesting concept. So as I researched I have found that they actually take up a good portion of the technological waste corrupting the world.

Who would think to throw away a computer? I mean all the left over parts that can be used, its insane! Yet some people do this. Also, look at the amount of information you leave in your harddrive. Do you know what happens to it? Hopefully some hacked doesn't find it and get your goods.

Turns out that there are many companies online and in the phone book that will come and destroy this information and computer waste for you. Then rid you of the pieces so you don't have to worry about clean up either. I can see that this may become a HUGE market in up coming years with demand and availability sky rocketing. At least I can assume.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Online Communities

Just being active in forums for 20 minutes a day will yield between 10-30 hits. Which you will be sending back to your page to convert into a few new leads for you every day.

Such fun! Forums are such a great place to network and learn, I would be in them even if I didn't have an opportunity to promote.

Here is one such forum I joined that allows me to talk with other like minded people.
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