Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Internet is here now

This is no longer the wave of the future. Its here and its now. Some people have made alot of money in it already, some still will. For the next several years (20+) I see the Internet as being a strong interest for many. I don't think it will die after those 20 either, just get modified somehow at that point.

The age of employment ladders, is non-existent. The only way to move up the ranks is to start your own business. I think that seems pretty apparent in society today. Your boss makes most of the money and you slave for your share of it. The working world hasn't see this yet, some of us realise this now. We will probably be the ones to move forward in life in some way.

As China builds robots, our labor intensive jobs are on the decline. We have seen this in the automotive industry already. 10,000+ jobs in one month in the auto industry get replaced by a robot. Saves time and cost, makes sense as a business owner. People demand money for their time and effort, its the way of life.
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